Our History
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Associations & Accreditations

Proud Member of ESTIC – 2011 Gala des PME Prize Winner

OCA – Ottawa Construction Association

CFIB – Canadian Federation of Independent Business

ACI – American Concrete Institute

Ottawa (Ontario), September 24th, 2011 – It is in a spirit of pride and celebration that the Ontario Economic Development and Employability Network (RDÉE Ontario) presented prizes to the winners of the 5th edition of the provincial SME contest yesterday evening at brand new Ottawa Convention Center at a gala.
Prix Fred Larose – Category – Mining, Quarrying, and Construction: Brisson Foundations (presented by FedNor)
Once again, all the winning companies have distinguished themselves by their diversified investments, their innovations and the quality of their services. Congratulations again to all our 2011 nominees and winners!
RDÉE Ontario promotes economic development and job creation to ensure the vitality and sustainability of Ontario’s Francophone communities.